(पहेलो पोते, हसिलो मुहार क्या राम्रो खुलेको)
घुमीफिरी फेरी उही १० दिने बैंगलोरको वर्कशपको क्रममा उब्जिएको कुरो । स्मरणग्योग्य विभिन्न पक्षमध्ये पहेलो रङको पोतेको सन्दर्भ मलाई घरीघरी याद आउँछ । वर्कशपको अन्तिम दिन बंगलादेश र केरला, भारतका केही साथीहरुसँग गफगाफ गर्दै साँझको बेला यसो आश्रम बाहिर निस्कियौँ । कुराकानी गर्दै हिड्दै जाँदा आश्रम नजिकैको फार्म हाउसमा पुग्यौँ । त्यहाँ विभिन्न प्रजातिका गाईगोरु तथा बाख्राहरु नेमप्लेटसहित व्यवस्थित रुपमा बाँधेर राखिएको थियो । रुचिपूर्वक साथीहरुले नियाल्दै लगे । म पछिपछि लागेर हिडिरहेको थिए । फार्म हाउसको एक छेउमा बच्चा कराएको आवाज आयो । गाली गर्ने हुन् कि भन्ने मनसायले फर्किने सल्लाह गर्दैथियौँ । मधुरो बत्ती बलेको कोठाबाट एक्कासी अपरिचित महिला मतर्फ झम्टिदै आइन् । झँस्किएर ठूलो आवाजमा मुख छोपेर म कराउन पुगेछु । त्यतातिर चोर निकै लाग्छ होशियार रहनु भन्ने एकजना आफन्तले नेपाल छाड्नेबेलामा भनेको कुराले पनि धेरै त्रसित बने हुँला सायद ।
बंगलादेशको एक साथीले मलाई हल्लाउँदै भन्यो, 'सी इज सेइङ्ग समथिङ्ग... नेपाल । सी मे बी वान्ट टु टक विथ यु' । आँखा खोलेर यसो हेरे । मैले लगाएको पहेलो रंगको पोते समातेर छाम्दै हेरीरहेकी थिइन । 'ये तो हमारा नेपालका हे, आप नेपाली है ? में भी नेपालमे पहेनती थि, लेकिन यहाँ नही मिल्ता', मेरो अनुहारमा हेर्दै नहेरी बोलिरहेकीथिइन् । मेरो चाहिँ मुटुको धड्कन सामान्य भईसकेको थिएन । केही सहभागी साथीहरुसँग सल्लाह गरेर अन्तिम दिनमा आ आफ्नो जातिगत या सांस्कृतिक पहिरन लगाएका थियौँ । उनको कुरा सुनेर मलाई पनि खुशी लाग्यो र केही क्षण वार्तालाप गर्यौँ । मैले लगाएको पोतेले नेपालमा बिताएको पुराना पलहरुको चित्र अगाडि ल्याइदिएको थियो । उनले धेरैबेर पोतेबाट आफूलाई अलग्याउन नसकेको देखेर मैले फुकाएर लगाउनुस भनेर दिए । खुशी हुँदै उनले लगाइन् ।
घर र माइती दुवै नेपालको पश्चिम भेग भारतको सीमानामा पर्छ भन्नेबाहेक उनलाई खासै अरु कुरा थाहा थिएन । नेपाली भाषा बुझ्ने तर बोल्न नजान्ने, हिन्दी र कन्नड भाषा बोल्ने उनी नेपालमा रहेका परिवार र आफन्तहरुको धेरै सम्झना आउने बताउँथिन् । २ बच्चा र श्रीमान्हित बस्दै आएको, श्रीमान्न् ज्यालादारी गर्ने र आफू त्यही फार्म हाउसमा काम गर्दै गुजारा चलाइरहेका थिए । अरु कुरा सोध्दा श्रीमान्लाई सबै कुरा थाहा छ भन्थिन् । झमक्क रात परीसकेकोले साथीहरु मलाई चाँडो जाउँ भनी रहेका थिए भने उनी चाहिँ दुध खाएर जानुस् भन्दै स्टोभमा दम दिन लागिन् । हतार भएको भन्दै हामी हिड्यौँ । अलिकति अगाडि बढेका थियौँ उनले बोलाइन् । पोते फुकालेर दिइन् । फिर्ता लिउँ कि नलिउँ भन्ने दोधारमा म परे । कारण त्यो पोते अर्को साथीको थियो । अरुको सामान म कसरी अरुलाई नै दिउँ भन्ने सोचेर फिर्ता लिए ।
यत्तिकैमा उनको श्रीमान् आइपुगे । राती भइसकेकोले उनी हामीलाई आश्रमसम्म पुर्याउन आए । बाटोमा कुराकानीको क्रममा मेरो अन्य जिज्ञासा मेटियो । शसस्त्र माओवादी विद्रोहको बेलामा सेना र माओवादी दुवैतर्फबाट चेपुवामा परेको हुँदा भारततिर छिरेको र अब केही समय पैसा कमाएर मात्रै नेपाल फर्कने उनको योजना थियो । आश्रममा आएर नेपालका अरु साथीहरुसँग कुराकानी गरेपछि पोते उनकै हातमा पठाइदिए । अन्तिममा उनी भन्दैथिए, 'राम्रोसँग जानुस् अनि हाम्रो फोटो पठाइदिनुस् है बैनी' ।
Friday, February 29, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
मन सल्बलाएको १२० सेकेण्ड
गत माघ ८ मा सरकारले पेट्राेलियम पदार्थमा मूल्यबृद्धि गरेपश्चात सडकमा उर्लेका सर्वसाधारण ।
यसो विचार आयो मनमा, २ मिनेट दिमागलाई कष्ट दिउँ न त । आखिर के चाहिँ सोच्दो रहेछ ????
समय शुरु...
बिना सोच, बिना टुङ्गो धुन्मुनिदै, धरमरिदै भविष्यतिर लम्किरहेको बालापन । न कोही पथ प्रदर्शक, न कुनै तथस्ट विचार । बाक्लो कुहिरोभित्र रुमिल्लएझैँ चलिरहेको दिनचर्या । 'जे पर्छ त्यहि टर्छ' भन्ने ढाँचामै बितिरहेका प्रत्येक पल अनि त्यहि पलहरुसँगै भौतारिदै, अल्मलिदै, बिना योजना, बिना चेत तर केही उत्साहसाथ अनायसै राजधानी प्रवेश । यहाँ ल्याइपुर्याउने तत्व वा बहाना जे जस्तो भएपनि आफ्नै सपना, कल्पना, लक्ष्य खुट्याउनै सकिएन । जहाँ, जहिले जसको सामु या जुनसुकै परिस्थितिमा पनि सम्झौता गर्ने बानीसँगै हुर्कीबढी आज पनि त्यही बानी । नानीदेखि बसेको बानी, कठै कसरी छुट्ला र ? सायद एउटा विडम्बना नै हो यो ।
राजधानीको वातावरणमा नयाँ परिवेश र नौलो अनुभूति छ । शनिबार बिहान मात्रै जय बागेकश्वरी र चावहिलमा मटि्टतेललगायतका इन्धन नपाएवापत बिभिन्न भाँडाकुँडासहित चक्काजाम गर्दै टायर बालियो । यो कथित शहरमा सबै छ । के दिएन र शहरले ? दु:ख, सुख, परिवर्तन, कोलाहल र त्यसभित्रको एक्लोपन, उदासीनता अनि धेरै कुरामा 'बानी पर्नु' । अझ तत्कालिन परिस्थितिमा भन्ने हो भने हरेक कुराको अभावसहितको मूल्यबृद्धि र कष्टकर दिनचर्या अचूक बनेको छ । जस्तै: 'बिना'को सन्दर्भमा– बिना इन्धनको यातायात, बिना बिजुलीको उज्यालो, बिना ग्यास–मट्टितेलको चुल्हाचौका, बिना पानीको धारा तथा नल आदि आदि । अब 'सहित'को सन्दर्भमा उपलब्ध हुने कुरा पनि हेरौँ न । घण्टौँको कष्ट तथा लामो समयसम्म पालो कुराईसहितको इन्धन, भारी मूल्यबृद्धिसहितको खाद्यान्न, तरकारी तथा फलफूल, पहिलेको तुलनामा थोरै सवारी साधनसहितको खुल्ला सडक, लोड सेडिङसहितको कार्यालय कामकाजमा आराम (साथै आगलागीको घटना) आदि इत्यादि । यस्ता महत्वपूर्ण अवस्थाका कैयौँ चरण पार गर्नुपर्ने आवश्यकता भयानक हो कि साधारण् ? चक्काजाम र बन्द हड्ताल तथा धर्नाजुलुस नभए त पशि्चमबाट घाम उदाउछ कि । धन्न हड्डी खियाउँदै झिँझ्याट् लाग्दो चिच्याहटभित्रै दिल खोल्दै रमाउने क्षमता छ हामीमा । धन्य भगवान ।
आफ्नै सिङ्गो दिमाग र कामले भ्याउने भएदेखि संसारै भ्याइदिने मन छ तर अफसोस जाबो एउटा लछरपाटो लाउन त्यत्रो कन्तबिजोग अनि अरु के कुरा गर्नु र ? खुइया... अब परिस्थितिबस रम्ने, खेल्ने बानीसँगै औँसी पुर्णे वा झरीबादलमा पनि हसिलो, उन्मत्त र फुरुङ्ग बन्नुपर्छ । यहि हो जीवनको जीउने सार, समस्या र मुद्दाको मूल भण्डार, नेपाल र नेपालीका लीला अपरम्पार ।
समय समाप्त ।
यसो विचार आयो मनमा, २ मिनेट दिमागलाई कष्ट दिउँ न त । आखिर के चाहिँ सोच्दो रहेछ ????
समय शुरु...
बिना सोच, बिना टुङ्गो धुन्मुनिदै, धरमरिदै भविष्यतिर लम्किरहेको बालापन । न कोही पथ प्रदर्शक, न कुनै तथस्ट विचार । बाक्लो कुहिरोभित्र रुमिल्लएझैँ चलिरहेको दिनचर्या । 'जे पर्छ त्यहि टर्छ' भन्ने ढाँचामै बितिरहेका प्रत्येक पल अनि त्यहि पलहरुसँगै भौतारिदै, अल्मलिदै, बिना योजना, बिना चेत तर केही उत्साहसाथ अनायसै राजधानी प्रवेश । यहाँ ल्याइपुर्याउने तत्व वा बहाना जे जस्तो भएपनि आफ्नै सपना, कल्पना, लक्ष्य खुट्याउनै सकिएन । जहाँ, जहिले जसको सामु या जुनसुकै परिस्थितिमा पनि सम्झौता गर्ने बानीसँगै हुर्कीबढी आज पनि त्यही बानी । नानीदेखि बसेको बानी, कठै कसरी छुट्ला र ? सायद एउटा विडम्बना नै हो यो ।
राजधानीको वातावरणमा नयाँ परिवेश र नौलो अनुभूति छ । शनिबार बिहान मात्रै जय बागेकश्वरी र चावहिलमा मटि्टतेललगायतका इन्धन नपाएवापत बिभिन्न भाँडाकुँडासहित चक्काजाम गर्दै टायर बालियो । यो कथित शहरमा सबै छ । के दिएन र शहरले ? दु:ख, सुख, परिवर्तन, कोलाहल र त्यसभित्रको एक्लोपन, उदासीनता अनि धेरै कुरामा 'बानी पर्नु' । अझ तत्कालिन परिस्थितिमा भन्ने हो भने हरेक कुराको अभावसहितको मूल्यबृद्धि र कष्टकर दिनचर्या अचूक बनेको छ । जस्तै: 'बिना'को सन्दर्भमा– बिना इन्धनको यातायात, बिना बिजुलीको उज्यालो, बिना ग्यास–मट्टितेलको चुल्हाचौका, बिना पानीको धारा तथा नल आदि आदि । अब 'सहित'को सन्दर्भमा उपलब्ध हुने कुरा पनि हेरौँ न । घण्टौँको कष्ट तथा लामो समयसम्म पालो कुराईसहितको इन्धन, भारी मूल्यबृद्धिसहितको खाद्यान्न, तरकारी तथा फलफूल, पहिलेको तुलनामा थोरै सवारी साधनसहितको खुल्ला सडक, लोड सेडिङसहितको कार्यालय कामकाजमा आराम (साथै आगलागीको घटना) आदि इत्यादि । यस्ता महत्वपूर्ण अवस्थाका कैयौँ चरण पार गर्नुपर्ने आवश्यकता भयानक हो कि साधारण् ? चक्काजाम र बन्द हड्ताल तथा धर्नाजुलुस नभए त पशि्चमबाट घाम उदाउछ कि । धन्न हड्डी खियाउँदै झिँझ्याट् लाग्दो चिच्याहटभित्रै दिल खोल्दै रमाउने क्षमता छ हामीमा । धन्य भगवान ।
आफ्नै सिङ्गो दिमाग र कामले भ्याउने भएदेखि संसारै भ्याइदिने मन छ तर अफसोस जाबो एउटा लछरपाटो लाउन त्यत्रो कन्तबिजोग अनि अरु के कुरा गर्नु र ? खुइया... अब परिस्थितिबस रम्ने, खेल्ने बानीसँगै औँसी पुर्णे वा झरीबादलमा पनि हसिलो, उन्मत्त र फुरुङ्ग बन्नुपर्छ । यहि हो जीवनको जीउने सार, समस्या र मुद्दाको मूल भण्डार, नेपाल र नेपालीका लीला अपरम्पार ।
समय समाप्त ।
Thursday, February 21, 2008
International Multilingual Day
[tribal people's(Janekuruba's)sweet home of Nagarhole forest, India.]
On primary class, teacher bit me as well other friends too. Because of speaking mother tongue. Reason, 1. All the teachers are from other communities and other district. 2. All the curriculam based on only Nepali language. 3. We never use second language on family, relatives or whole village too. (now i can read and write fluently in Nepali and hardly understand and write, so called international-english- language, so you can get much grammetical mistake in my kuti-blog). Currently, situation is transformed on just opposite direction. There is vast lingual different between elder and younger generation. Most of indigenous langauge are indangered and some are no more now. This is a big challange to all indigenous community, "How to preserve and promot the mother tongue withing the community itself?".
Ectually i don't know more about International Multilingual day. One of my sweet sister-friend (Smita) told me little bit last week. And i came to know that, 21 February is declare by UN as a "International Multilingual Day". Due to ediot loadshedding, i got chance to see most of newspapers. At the same time I read one article about multilingual system and Indigenous peoples' mother tongue on Gorkhapatra, (the daily newspaper) today.
Fortunately or unfortunately (??!!) I also belongs to Indigenous community by birth. (It may be/not be disappointing line for somebody else?). In fact, many people does not aware about the Indigenous community- specially who belongs to the same community. Likewise, my birth place also far away from all these things. I came to know before few years ago. Then... i think oh! myself, im a 'indigenous', now just added 'women' too. That means now i can say, i have a identity as a 'Nepali indigenous women'. In reality, even the government does not recogniged this identity till now. May be in proccessing???????
On primary class, teacher bit me as well other friends too. Because of speaking mother tongue. Reason, 1. All the teachers are from other communities and other district. 2. All the curriculam based on only Nepali language. 3. We never use second language on family, relatives or whole village too. (now i can read and write fluently in Nepali and hardly understand and write, so called international-english- language, so you can get much grammetical mistake in my kuti-blog). Currently, situation is transformed on just opposite direction. There is vast lingual different between elder and younger generation. Most of indigenous langauge are indangered and some are no more now. This is a big challange to all indigenous community, "How to preserve and promot the mother tongue withing the community itself?".
Ectually i don't know more about International Multilingual day. One of my sweet sister-friend (Smita) told me little bit last week. And i came to know that, 21 February is declare by UN as a "International Multilingual Day". Due to ediot loadshedding, i got chance to see most of newspapers. At the same time I read one article about multilingual system and Indigenous peoples' mother tongue on Gorkhapatra, (the daily newspaper) today.
Fortunately or unfortunately (??!!) I also belongs to Indigenous community by birth. (It may be/not be disappointing line for somebody else?). In fact, many people does not aware about the Indigenous community- specially who belongs to the same community. Likewise, my birth place also far away from all these things. I came to know before few years ago. Then... i think oh! myself, im a 'indigenous', now just added 'women' too. That means now i can say, i have a identity as a 'Nepali indigenous women'. In reality, even the government does not recogniged this identity till now. May be in proccessing???????
occasional गन्थन-मन्थन
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
A MUSICAL STAGE: very close to nature
Wow!!! when i show this picture. I feel peace,clean and very close to nature. For that im greatfull to Fireflies and team member. Siddhartha sir guide us and explain all about the sorrounding things of fireflies. So many heart touching things are there. But now im going to write something about the Music festival.
I got the invitation from Fireflies once again. But i got different subject matter then previous. And i open my file and see the pictures of fireflies. I have got nostalgia. By the way, (Sister Amala and Shabin) i still remembering a Bhajan-dance "Radhe Radhe Radhe Govinda Bolo, Govinda Govinda Govinda". That was my first experience. That's why i got to chance to learn so many thing first time in my life. Once again thank you for all of you (more than that i can't do- may be?).
I read [The time hase come form the 2008 "Fireflies Festival of Music" on 23rd February. This year's Fireflies Festival of Music has as its theme “Concern for the plight of Adivasi's (tribals) in India"]. Different national and international musical band or groups are going to performe in that stage. For more information go through the www.fireflies.org.in.
Just a imagination, Every tree, brances of the tree, leaf will happily dancing whole night with melodious music and all the participants.
I just love and like the music......
... Some Day ...
In this picture, all are singing "We Shall Over Come Some day..., हामी जित्ने छौ एक दिन ..., हम होङ्गे कामीयाब एक दिन...", with communal harmony. It was the last day of Asain Youth Peoples Interfaith Workshop (June 22 - July 1 07)at Bangalore. Organized by Pipal Tree Fireflies Intercultural Centre (i'll going to put next matter, which is aslo related with Pipal Tree).
Today- 58th Democracy (Prajantra Diwas)Day of Nepalese People. But we still fighting for suitable (worthy) democracy (Loktantra? Ganatantra?)for all. Specially Terai and the Eastern Part of Nepal is seriously burning and demonstrating on various way. Due to that creating many problems and difficulties to the peoples. But wish and hope to fulfill their agenda as soon as possible. So, at last i have to say: "We shall over come some day, i do beleive deep in my heart, we shall over come some day"
occasional गन्थन-मन्थन
Monday, February 18, 2008
By the Way
Famous writer Khagendra Sangraoula is talking with a baby (local girl of Luvu), premises of Kirat Temple, the day of Hiking Luvu-Jamirkot-Lakuribhanjyang-Godavari, organized by Martin Chautari.
For me, the memorable situation is: some friends ask to baby with showing NC 10 Rs. "Nani, do you know, how much is this?". She replied so fast. Second time they ask her with showing 20 Rs. Anyone can guess? what she replied??? She speek simply "If i can get this money, then i'll answer you". How smart !!!
When i was child, i never can talk with unknown person, even with the guest. May be there was so many aspect to do so. But when i show and meet today's child i feel happy with fear. Because, One generation is far away back, next generation is growing with vast speed and mecinary mind. I think im somewhere in between there and puzzling (how to manage?). I can't generalized with confidence (I may be wrong), just guess that, most of in between generation's of remote areas of Nepal are suffering like me.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Young Leader's Hug
Fantastic and lovely hug between Hari Roka (Member of Parliament) and Gagan Thapa (Student Leader, NC), click by Komal Bhatta. It was the gathering day, on the memory of Late Bela Mallik at Chautari. She was originally from Kerala-India. Who was one of the loving-caring-hardworking-inspiring-helpfull and simple person of the world. That day, everyone shared and reveal their experiences, feelings and attachment towards Bela And Thomas. And discussed more about her contribution to Nepal, Nepalese People and movement of Nepal.
I saw that day, everyone's eyes are dim and Some are crying with/(out) sound. She passed away but still alive in every person's heart and mind. Bela was mindblowing, and special for everyone (including me). I got lession and inspiration from Bela to love everyone, always be happy and do something (what you can do). I always feel you are alive and supporting us. Head's upon to you Bela.
It's practicing period
This is a trial period. Im going to put some memorable photographs, gossipes and some personal ideas, which carry out my sentiment and memory within this blog.
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